How to Install Plex Media Server on Ubuntu 20.04

  1. Step 1: Download the .deb Plex Media Server Package. Plex media server can be downloaded from its official page Downloads. …
  2. Step 2: Install . deb Plex Media Server package. …
  3. Step 3: Configure Plex media server. …
  4. Step 4: Set up the web interface of Plex media server.

Aussi, Can I install Plex on Ubuntu?

Installing Plex Media Server on Ubuntu

Plex is proprietary computer software, and it is not included in the Ubuntu repositories. Installing Steam on Plex Media Server is fairly straightforward. We’ll enable the Plex official repository and install the package with apt .

Toutefois, How do I manually install Plex Media Server?

En particulier How do I install Plex Media Server on Ubuntu mate?

  1. Install Plex Media Server. You will now need to update the apt repository index and then install the most current version of the Plex Media Server. …
  2. Start the Plex Media Server. …
  3. Configure Your Firewall. …
  4. Setup Your Library. …
  5. Updating Plex Media Server. …
  6. Uninstall Plex Media Server. …
  7. Need Additional Help. …
  8. Conclusion.

How do I install Plex Media Server from terminal?

macOS or Linux

  1. Open a Terminal window or your command prompt.
  2. Enter the following command (substituting the IP address of your server as appropriate): ssh ip.address.of.server -L 8888:localhost:32400.
  3. Open a browser window.
  4. The browser will connect to the server as if it were local and load Plex Web App.

Where is Plex Media Server installed Ubuntu?

Linux and Other Devices

  1. General. In general, the location for the various Linux versions of Plex Media Server will be found under: $PLEX_HOME/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/
  2. ASUSTOR. /volume1/Plex/Library.
  3. Debian, Fedora, CentOS, Ubuntu. …
  4. Docker. …
  5. FreeBSD. …
  6. FreeNAS. …
  8. QNAP.

How do I start Plex server on Linux?

Launching Plex on Linux

  1. Open a Command prompt.
  2. Type sudo /etc/init. d/plexmediaserver start.

How do I create a media server in Ubuntu?

uPNP DLNA MEDIA Server: Mediatomb

  1. Open up Terminal.
  2. Type sudo su. so that we have root control. …
  3. To install the software package type: sudo apt-get install mediatomb.
  4. Edit the config.xml to set up your own username, disable username requirements, add transcoders, and to enable Playstation3 requirements for playback.

How do I add a server to Plex?

How to Store and Stream Movies with Plex

  1. Install the app. Head to the official Plex website and download the version you want. …
  2. Run the program and start your Plex account. …
  3. Add your libraries. …
  4. Identify your servers and enable remote access. …
  5. Install your channels. …
  6. Go to your next device. …
  7. Customize!

How do I find my Plex server?

Open a browser window. Type http://server.local.ip.address:32400/web into the address bar (e.g “”) The browser will connect to the Server and load Plex Web App.

Where is my Plex Media Server?

You will typically be able to find this in the device’s system settings. In your Plex Web App, go to Settings > Server > Network .

How do I install Plex on Linux?

How to Install Plex on Ubuntu 20.04

  1. Step 1: Download Plex Media Merver. The first step will be to download the Plex media server for Linux from its official Downloads page. …
  2. Step 2: Install Plex Media Server. …
  3. Step 3: Configure Plex Media Server. …
  4. Step 4: Access Plex Media Server. …
  5. Step 5: Update Plex Media Server.

What user does Plex run as Ubuntu?

By default, Plex run under plex user. This can be neat, but not in my case. I constantly had to moving and rename files and since I am using my Linux as another user, it was not an efficient way to do this.

What hardware do I need for Plex server?

Any machine made in the last few years should fit the Plex hardware requirements, which call for an i3 processor and 2GB of RAM. Of course, you’ll enjoy better performance on a more powerful system, and most Plex enthustiasts suggest using an i5 processor and 4GB of RAM (or better).

Can I use Ubuntu as a media server?

Now it’s easily to create a home media sever in Ubuntu with the default Gnome desktop since a new sharing option added in Settings utility. Rygel is a home media solution ( UPnP AV Media Server ) allows you to easily share audio, video, and pictures to smart TV, game consoles, or other devices over a home network.

Can I use Ubuntu as a file server?

One of the most common ways to network Ubuntu and Windows computers is to configure Samba as a File Server. This section covers setting up a Samba server to share files with Windows clients. The server will be configured to share files with any client on the network without prompting for a password.

How do I setup a Linux home server?

Linux Samba File Server Setup Checklist

  1. 2 Establish SSH connection with the server.
  2. 3 Install Samba.
  3. 4 Create a shared folder.
  4. 5 Edit Samba configuration file.
  5. 6 Set a password.
  6. 7 Restart the server.
  7. 8 Test access.
  8. 9 Configure user access.

How do I add multiple servers to Plex?

To begin, open the web app and click on your profile icon. Next, select Users and Sharing, then click on Add a Friend. You will need to know the other person’s email or Plex username. Wait for the other person to accept, then you will see their server in the dropdown server menu.

How do I add a server to Plex?

To begin, click the Settings icon in the top-right corner of the web client. Then click the Server menu item. You’ll want to set the Friendly name to something descriptive, then click the Claim server button to associate it with your Plex account. At this point, you may need to login to Plex again if prompted.

How do I download Plex Media Server?

Plex Media Server Create, organize, and store your collections.

Download Media

  1. Open the Item detail view.
  2. Click and select Download.
  3. The file downloads to the browser’s download folder OR.
  4. The file will load in a player in the browser window (depending on how your browser handles the action)

How do I add server to Plex app?

To begin, click the Settings icon in the top-right corner of the web client. Then click the Server menu item. You’ll want to set the Friendly name to something descriptive, then click the Claim server button to associate it with your Plex account. At this point, you may need to login to Plex again if prompted.

How do I connect to Plex server?

From the Plex Web App, click the three-dot icon next to any library and choose Share. Enter the username or email address of the person you want to share your library with, and click on the user when it pops up.

Is there a Plex app for Linux?

The Plex Media Player application is available to all Arch Linux users via the AUR. To get it working on your system, you’ll have to start by opening a terminal window. Once the terminal window is open and ready to use, execute the pacman command below and install the “Git” and “Base-devel” packages.

How do I find my Plex server IP address?

Find out the local IP address of the device on which the app is running. You will typically be able to find this in the device’s system settings. In your Plex Web App, go to Settings > Server > Network .