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Informatique, News

Why is 192.168 1.1 not opening? 

It could be that the connection is not stable enough to reach the router or the default gateway is not 192.168. 1.1. To check your default gateway, open command prompt by pressing win+r and entering cmd. Then enter ipconfig command and look for the adapter...
Informatique, News

What is my Wi-Fi admin password? 

The router’s default password is « admin » as for the username, just leave the field blank. IMPORTANT: Make sure that the Power LED of the router is blinking when you press the Reset button. This indicates that the router is being reset properly. Ainsi, Is Admin...
Informatique, News

What is the default password? 

A default password is a standard pre-configured password for a device. Such passwords are the default configuration for many devices and, if unchanged, present a serious security risk. Typical examples of default passwords include admin, password and guest. Ainsi, How do I change the admin...