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Informatique, News

Will Boot Camp ever come to M1 Macs? 

Since Windows 11 demands a TPM chip to run and the latest M1 Macs don’t support Boot Camp utility (which has let Mac owners install Windows on their computers for years), it’s not possible to install Microsoft’s new OS on Apple-branded computers. Ainsi, Do M1...
Informatique, News

Is Boot Camp two words? 

The plural form of boot camp is boot camps. The connotation of a boot camp is that once one successfully completes the boot camp course, he is polished, tough and competent to face any challenge. Note that the term boot camp is rendered as two...
Informatique, News

Does Boot Camp work with High Sierra? 

Install Windows using Boot Camp for macOS High Sierra and earlier. In macOS High Sierra and earlier, you can install Windows 10, Windows 8.1, and Windows 7 using Boot Camp Assistant on supported Mac models. Ainsi, How do I install Windows 10 on Mac Boot...
Informatique, News

Is there a Windows 11 coming out? 

Windows 11 is due out later in 2021 and will be delivered over several months. The rollout of the upgrade to Windows 10 devices already in use today will begin in 2022 through the first half of that year. Ainsi, Can I install Windows 10...