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Informatique, News

Does Far Cry 6 GOOD? 

Luckily though, the open world fun of Far Cry 6 is as good as it ever was. Yara is both enormous and absolutely beautiful, featuring some of the most incredible vistas you’re likely to find in any video game this year. Ainsi, Is Far Cry...
Informatique, News

Is Far Cry 6 a sequel? 

When Far Cry 6 was announced many had speculated that it was a prequel, and that dictator Anton Castillo’s son may have been Vaas. That was soon clarified, as the events of Far Cry 6 took place long after Far Cry 3, making it technically...
Informatique, News

Does Far Cry 6 reference Far Cry 5? 

While subtle, the flower’s appearance is a neat callback to Far Cry 5. However, the references to previous games don’t stop there as Ubisoft previously announced that upcoming DLC for the latest game will let players experience gameplay as past Far Cry franchise villains Vaas...