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Informatique, News

Why does Kenny always wear his hood? 

Almost all of the time, Kenny wears a hood that muffles his speech. Kenny being muffled is how he gets away with inappropriate and vulgar speech without having to be bleeped out or censored. Kenny is also shown to enjoy getting high. Ainsi, What is...
Informatique, News

Why is Kenny’s family poor? 

Just a thought I had re-watching South Park. He dies every episode and they pay for his funeral every time and then forget about and that’s why they’re so poor all the time. Ainsi, Who is the Japanese woman in South Park? South Park animator...
Informatique, News

Why is Kenny poor? 

Kenny’s family is one of the poorest families in South Park. His parents are both unstable alcoholics and occasional drug users, the former which was a trait that his father Stuart inherited from his own father. Ainsi, Who killed Kenny on South Park? The Gauntlet...
Informatique, News

Why did South Park removed Kenny? 

Stone stated that thinking of humorous ways to kill the character was initially fun, but became more mundane as the series progressed. When they determined that it would be too difficult to develop the character because he was too much of a « prop », Parker and...