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Informatique, News

How long will a Raspberry Pi last? 

The average lifespan of a Raspberry Pi is around 7-10 years if not damaged by the user’s carelessness. The possible reasons behind Raspberry Pi failure can be power breakdowns, SD card failures, and ineligible environments. Many factors affect the lifespan of Raspberry Pi. D’abord, Which...
Informatique, News

Can a Raspberry Pi 4 run a 4K TV? 

With a Raspberry Pi 4 or 400, you can output 4K video at 60Hz by changing a configuration setting. Here’s how to do it. The introduction of the Raspberry Pi 4 model, and subsequently the keyboard-integrated Pi 400, made it possible to output UHD 4K...
Informatique, News

Can you watch Netflix on chromium? 

You can play Netflix natively in Google Chrome (AUR) but if you want to play it in Chromium you will have to install a plugin for it. D’abord, How do I install Chromium media? Launch Pi-Apps from the menu, select Chromium Widevine, click Install, and...
Informatique, News

How do I get Netflix on my Raspberry Pi chromium? 

How to watch Netflix on the Raspberry Pi Step 1: Install Raspbian. … Step 2: Install Chromium with Widevine Support. … Step 3: Not done yet! … Step 4: Create a new user-agent string. … Optional. D’abord, Can Netflix run on Raspberry Pi? Although there...