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Informatique, News

How do I download PS3 update to USB? 

PS3s can be connected to the USB using the USB port. Then select Update via Storage Media from Settings > System Update. The update procedure can be launched by selecting the USB key. D’abord, Can you still download updates on PS3? PS3 UPDATE can only...
Informatique, News

How big is the PS3 4.88 update? 

The PlayStation 3 has received another system update, just a month before Sony was originally due to close down the PS3 digital store. System update version 4.88 requires at least 200MB to install, but according to Sony’s patch notes it only “improves system performance”. D’abord,...
Informatique, News

How do I download rpc3? 

D’abord, Where do I put PS3UPDAT pup? Make a folder named « PS3 » in the root of the USB device. Under the « PS3 » folder, make a folder named « UPDATE ». Place the PUP file under « UPDATE » and name it « PS3UPDAT. PUP ». En fait, How do I update...