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Informatique, News

Are they making a StarCraft 3? 

Starcraft 3 does not have a release date because it hasn’t been made yet. Fans likely expect a sequel following the first two games, but that’s just not the case so far. In fact, Blizzard hasn’t mentioned any plans to make a third Starcraft game....
Informatique, News

Why is sc2 free? 

“We wanted to cut through that confusion and announce that StarCraft 2 is free-to-play.” Morten said that StarCraft 2’s legacy of being an esport was another factor, and making the game free-to-play would make the game accessible to new competitors. D’abord, Is Starcraft 2 Legacy...
Informatique, News

Are all StarCraft 2 campaigns free? 

Yes majority of it is free to play. Some things like campaign, some coop heros and cosmetics are behind pay wall. You need blizzard launcher to play sc2. D’abord, Why is StarCraft II free? Players who get StarCraft 2 for free will have access to...