Dexter DeShawn, commonly known as Dex, was a well-known fixer in Night City. In 2077, he recently returned to the city after spending a few years off the grid. He has never personally worked as a mercenary before becoming a fixer, but had no need to thanks to his charisma and keen eye for potential.
Ainsi, Can you save Evelyn cyberpunk?
Can You Save Evelyn Parker? Unfortunately, no, you cannot save Evelyn Parker in the game. She kills herself in Both Sides, Now, and it is impossible for the player to save her. You can, however, avenge her death by completing the rest of Judy’s Side Jobs.
Par ailleurs, How old is Johnny silverhand? Johnny Silverhand’s real name is Robert John Linder — born on November 16, 1988. This technically makes him 89 years old around the events of Cyberpunk 2077.
Does Dex shoot V no matter what? This choice does not matter.
It could affect some things later down the line, but we haven’t spotted any meaningful consequences in our time with the game. If you really want to make the safest decision, side with Evelyn. You won’t have to make your final decision until you meet with Dex at the Afterlife bar.
Can you find Dexter’s body cyberpunk?
Just follow the road that goes south from the Sunset Motel fast travel point. Eventually, you’ll find yourself back at the scene of the crime. Dexter’s corpse is still here.
Should you touch Evelyn cyberpunk?
Can You Save Evelyn in Cyberpunk 2077? Unfortunately, while you’re able to save Evelyn from the Scavengers, the trauma is too much for her. She ends up killing herself in the tub later on as apart of the main story. Regardless of the choices you make throughout the quests, Evelyn dies no matter what.
Can you romance Judy Alvarez?
As mentioned Judy Alvarez is a pivotal character appearing in no less than five side jobs storylines and quite a few main quests. Judy can be romanced but only by a female character with a female body type. In the final side quest, you can be intimate with her.
Can you romance Judy cyberpunk?
To romance her, you’ll need to have a feminine voice and body type. After that, Judy will be pulled back into your story as part of the Automatic Love main quest, which requires you to try and track down Evelyn Parker again. Call her whenever prompted, and you’ll keep the option of romance alive.
Can V and Johnny both live?
Cyberpunk 2077 has multiple endings, where either Johnny survives in V’s body or V himself. However, most of the courses do not end well for V after the final. Only one of the ends seems to be an open happy ending. That is the best ending: We are talking about the end that the success “The Star” brings with it.
Is Keanu Reeves a gamer?
In a new interview, Reeves clarified he doesn’t actually play video games – not even his own. Ah Keanu Reeves. International movie star, loveable goofball and E3-stealing gaming hero. Well, it turns out the last part may no longer apply, following a confession during recent interview with The Verge.
Can you find Silverhands body?
Towards the end of the mission, you head over to the place where they buried Johnny Silverhand’s body. This is outside the city limits. Once you get there, a cutscene triggers in which Johnny talks a little bit about his life in the past.
Should I give Dexter the relic?
The Outcome of Siding With Dex or Evelyn
Without giving anything major away, it doesn’t seem to matter which party V chooses to side with. Because of the way the events of the heist go down, V and Jackie won’t get paid, and Dex will stab V in the back regardless, likely for more money in his pocket.
Can you romance Evelyn Parker?
In the second act, Evelyn appears in a different role – V and Judy must find and save her together. Unfortunately, the game doesn’t allow you to have any kind of romance with Evelyn, regardless of whether you play male or female V.
Do the job for Evelyn or Dex?
Evelyn offers a 50 percent cut, so you wouldn’t need Dex, theoretically. Even if you’re keen to side with Evelyn, you’ll have to select « I’ll think about it » for now. Calling her immediately after this conversation doesn’t offer you the chance to accept her offer either.
Can you loot Dex?
Once you get to the area, you’ll see Dex’s rotting corpse amidst all the junk. You simply need to approach the corpse and loot it off Dex’s body.
Where is Dexter DeShawn’s body in cyberpunk?
Should I tell Judy about Johnny silverhand?
Exit the braindance when you’re ready. Judy is confused, not knowing that Johnny Silverhand is living in V’s head. Tell her as much as you want then you’ll get a bit of alone time with Johnny. He’s also determined to find the Netrunner woman who knows about the biochip.
Can you romance Judy as a male?
To get romantic with her, you need to be the female version of V. However, a new mod allows male versions of V to woo Judy and receive the same romance options.
What happens if you tell Judy about Johnny?
You will return to Judy after your conversation with Johnny and complete your chat with her and finish the job as well. The rewards for this quest are that you will get a street cred point along with a perk and an attribute point. Now it is your choice to walk around in Judy’s apartment a little longer.
Can female V romance Panam?
Panam is a character who takes an interest in male « V. » So players, who play as female V in Cyberpunk 2077, cannot take a romantic interest in Panam.
Can you hook up with Panam?
After going through the training, you’ll have a chance to synchronize your bodies. Choose the option to Let Panam touch you and you’ll engage in a sexual encounter with Panam. This option has a kissing lips icon next to it.
What happens if you try to romance Judy as a male?
Romancing Judy as male V “not cut content” says CDPR
Surprisingly, romancing Judy doesn’t cause the game to act up so much. Judy’s voice lines as well as male V’s voice lines are complete for the whole quest involving their romance. This means that these lines, although not used in the end, were still recorded.
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